Leanne Jones
Adjunct Professor
email: leannejones@ucla.edu
phone: (310) 206-7066
office: 5139 Terasaki Life Science Bldg
lab website
Research Interests
Stem cells are the building blocks during development of organisms as varied as plants and humans. In addition, stem cells provide for the maintenance and regeneration of tissues, such as blood and skin, throughout the lifetime of an individual. The ability of stem cells to contribute to these processes depends on their ability to divide and generate both new stem cells (self-renewal) as well as specialized cell types (differentiation). The Jones lab uses the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and mammalian intestinal tissue as model systems to establish paradigms for how stem cell behavior is controlled.
Selected Publications
R. Sênos Demarco, B.S. Uymeura, C. D?Alterio, and D. L. Jones, "Mitochondrial fusion regulates lipid homeostasis and stem cell maintenance in the Drosophila testis", Nat. Cell Biol (2019).
M. Loza-Coll, C.C. Petrossian, M. L. Boyle, and D. L. Jones., "Heterochromatin Protein 1 (HP1) inhibits stem cell proliferation induced by ectopic activation of the Jak/STAT pathway in the Drosophila testis", Exp. Cell Res (2019). [link]
Resnik-Docampo M, Sauer V, Schinaman JM, Clark RI, Walker DW, Jones DL., "Keeping it tight: The relationship between bacterial dysbiosis, septate junctions, and the intestinal barrier in Drosophila", Fly (2018). [link]
A.M. Salazar, M. Resnik-Docampo. M. Ulgerait, R. I. Clark, M. Shirasu-Hiza, D. L. Jones, and D. W Walker., "Intestinal Snakeskin limits microbial dysbiosis during aging and promotes longevity", iScience (2018). [link]
M. Miranda, H. Christofk, D. L. Jones and W.E. Lowry, "Topical Inhibition of the Electron Transport Chain Can Stimulate the Hair Cycle", J. Investigative Dermatology (2018). [link]
M. Loza-Coll and D. L. Jones, "Simultaneous control of stemness and differentiation by the transcription factor Escargot in adult stem cells: how can we tease them apart?", Fly 10 (2): 53-59 (2016).
Martin Resnik, C. L. Koheler, R. Clarke, J.M. Schinaman, V. Sauer, C. D?Alterio, D. Wong, S. Lewis, Y. Wu, E. Stefani, D. Walker, and D. L. Jones, "ricellular junctions regulate intestinal stem cell behavior to maintain homeostasis", Nature Cell Biology In press: (2016).
A. E. Conway, E. L. Van Nostrand, G.A. Pratt, S. Aigner, M. L. Wilbert, B. Sundararaman, P. Freese, N. J. Lambert, S. Sathe, T. Y. Liang, A. Essex, S. Landais, C.B. Burge, D. L. Jones*, G. W. Yeo*, "Enhanced CLIP uncovers IMP protein-RNA targets in human pluripotent stem cells important for cell adhesion and survival", Cell Reports 15 (3): 666-679 (2016).
H. Toledano and D.L. Jones, "Age-related changes to Drosophila m. Male Germline Stem Cells", In: Stem Cell Aging: Mechanisms, Consequences, Rejuvenation 71-84 (2015).
K. Munger and D.L. Jones, "HPV Carcinogenesis- An identity crisis in the Retinoblastoma Tumor Suppressor Pathway", Journal of Virology 89 (9): 4708-4711 (2015).
R. Demarco, Å. Eikenes, K. Heglund, and D.L.Jones, "Investigating spermatogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster", Methods 68 (1): 218-227 (2014).
M. Loza Coll, T. Southall, S. Sandall, A. Brand, and D.L. Jones, "Regulation of Drosophila intestinal stem cell maintenance and differentiation by the transcription factor Escargot", EMBO Journal 33 (24): 2983-2996 (2014).
J. P. Korzelius, S.K. Naumann, M.A. Loza-Coll, J.S.K.Chan, D. Dutta, J. Oberheim, C. Glaesser, T. Southall, A. Brand, D. L. Jones, B.A. Edgar, "Escargot maintains stemness and suppresses differentiation in Drosophila intestinal stem cells", EMBO Journal 33 (24): 2967-2982 (2014).
Resende, L.P.F., Boyle, M., Tran, D., Fellner, T. & Jones, D. L., "Headcase promotes cell survival and niche maintenance in the Drosophila testis", PLoS One 8 (7): (2013).
J.H. Hur, S. Bahadorani, J. Graniel, C.L. Koehler, M. Ulgherait, M. Rera, D.L. Jones, and D.W. Walker, "Increased food intake and longevity mediated by yeast NDI1 expression in Drosophila intestinal stem and progenitor cells", Aging 5 (9): (2013).